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Submitting blog posts and case studies

Anyone can write a blog post and submit it for review. Case studies require extensive review before they're approved.

Write a blog post

Blog posts should not be vendor pitches. They must contain content that applies broadly to the Kubernetes community. The SIG Docs blog subproject manages the review process for blog posts. For more information, see Submit a post.

To submit a blog post, you can either:

If you open a pull request, ensure that your blog post follows the correct naming conventions and frontmatter information:

  • The markdown file name must follow the format YYY-MM-DD-Your-Title-Here.md. For example, 2020-02-07-Deploying-External-OpenStack-Cloud-Provider-With-Kubeadm.md.
  • The front matter must include the following:
layout: blog
title: "Your Title Here"
date: YYYY-MM-DD
slug: text-for-URL-link-here-no-spaces

Submit a case study

Case studies highlight how organizations are using Kubernetes to solve real-world problems. The Kubernetes marketing team and members of the CNCFCloud Native Computing Foundation collaborate with you on all case studies.

Have a look at the source for the existing case studies.

Refer to the case study guidelines and submit your request as outlined in the guidelines.

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