Black lives matter.
We stand in solidarity with the Black community.
Racism is unacceptable.
It conflicts with the core values of the Kubernetes project and our community does not tolerate it.
We stand in solidarity with the Black community.
Racism is unacceptable.
It conflicts with the core values of the Kubernetes project and our community does not tolerate it.
Authors: Bob Killen (University of Michigan), Jorge Castro (VMware), Brian Grant (Google), and Ihor Dvoretskyi (CNCF)
The 2019 Steering Committee Election is a landmark milestone for the Kubernetes project. The initial bootstrap committee is graduating to emeritus and the committee has now shrunk to its final allocation of seven seats. All members of the Steering Committee are now fully elected by the Kubernetes Community.
Moving forward elections will elect either 3 or 4 people to the committee for two-year terms.
The Kubernetes Steering Committee Election is now complete and the following candidates came ahead to secure two-year terms that start immediately (in alphabetical order by GitHub handle):
They join Aaron Crickenberger (@spiffxp), Google; Davanum Srinivas (@dims), VMware; and Timothy St. Clair (@timothysc), VMware, to round out the committee. The seats held by Aaron, Davanum, and Timothy will be up for election around this time next year.
You can follow along with Steering Committee backlog items and weigh in by filing an issue or creating a PR against their repo. They meet bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 8pm UTC and regularly attend Meet Our Contributors. They can also be contacted at their public mailing list
Steering Committee Meetings: