Kubernetes Community Meeting Notes - 20160121

January 21 - Configuration, Federation and Testing, oh my. 

Note taker: Rob Hirshfeld

allowing externalor simpleextensions.
PetSet creates instances w/stable namespace
Distributed Chron.
Challengeis thatconfigsneed tocreate multipleobjectsin sequence
Trying tofigure out how balance the manyconfig options out there (compose, terraform,ansible/etc)
Goalis tomeetpeople where theyare tokeep itsimple
Q: is there an opinion for the keystore sizing
large size / data blob would not be appropriate
you can pull data(config) from another store for larger objects

SIG Report - SIG-federation - progress on Ubernetes-Lite & Ubernetes design

Goalit tobe ableto haveaclustermanager, soyoucanfederate clusters.  They will automatically distribute the pods.
Plan isto use the sameAPIforthemaster cluster
- Quinton's Ubernetes Talk:  https://youtu.be/L2ZK24JojB4
- Design for Ubernetes: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/19313
  • Conformance testing Q+A [Isaac Hollander McCreery]

    • status on conformance testing for release process

      • expect to be forward compatible but not backwards
    • is there interest for a sig-testing meeting

    • testing needs to a higher priority for the project

    • lots of focus on trying to make this a higher priority To get involved in the Kubernetes community consider joining our Slack channel, taking a look at the Kubernetes project on GitHub, or join the Kubernetes-dev Google group. If you’re really excited, you can do all of the above and join us for the next community conversation -- January 27th, 2016. Please add yourself or a topic you want to know about to the agenda and get a calendar invitation by joining this group.

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